Middleton Public School

Personal Best Be Worthy

Telephone02 6862 1999


School Song

Middleton Public School Song

We all do our Personal Best

At Middleton Public School.

Students, staff, parents and friends

Working as a team.


So remember - be worthy!

And do your Personal Best!


We remember Rawdon Middleton

After whom our school is named.

A bomber pilot, brave and loyal

Until the very end.


So remember - be worthy!

And do your Personal Best!


We also have Sir Henry

Federation's visionary.

Mariah and Stephen - the Middleton kids

Who played for the green and gold.


So remember - be worthy!

And do your Personal Best!


Now let us continue

To do our best each day,

Learning both young and old

We lead our school with pride.


We'll remember - to be worthy!

We'll do our Personal Best.